Tuesday 13:30-13:40 Industry Theatre 1
IV to S/C infliximab switching: UK Real World experiences
Dr. Fraser Cummings to present the outcomes of the Swimsuit study (SWitching InflixiMab to SUbcut from Intravenous Therapy) and Dr. Christian Selinger to present the Leeds Remsima® SC (infliximab) switching experience with focus on cost utilities.
13.30 -13.45: Chair and Speaker 1: Dr Fraser Cummings, Consultant gastroenterologist, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Speaker presentation 1: ‘Clinical and patient experiences of switching from IV to S/C infliximab’.
13.45-14.00; Speaker 2: Dr Christian Selinger, Consultant gastroenterologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Speaker Presentation 2: ‘Effect on costs of switching patients from IV to S/C infliximab’.
14.00 -14.10: Q&A session.
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