EndoVillage Organisers

Bjorn Rembacken

Leeds Teaching Hospitals

Nisha Patel

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Mark Donnelly

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals

EndoVillage Trainers

Suhail Ahmed

Liverpool Foundation Trust

Jamal Al-Asiry

Mid-Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust
I am a Consultant Gastroenterologist in Yorkshire with specialist interest in advanced luminal endoscopy.

Lilian Anya

Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust
Highly motivated Lead Nurse dedicated to providing quality of patient care. With a focus on excellence in nursing leadership.

Diana Atkinson

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton
Endoscopy Clinical Educator, Regional Practice Development Facilitator – East Midlands and Senior ENDO1 Faculty for JAG

Ian Beales

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Consultant Gastroenterologist with wide, mainly luminal, practice, with special interests in IBD, GI physiology and acute and chronic GI bleeding.

Iosif Bentaris

North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust
Consultant Gastroenterologist with a special interest in therapeutic luminal endoscopy and IBD

Roisin Bevan

North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust
Luminal gastroenterologist with an interest in IBD, functional GI disorders, education and endoscopy training. Immersion training lead, BCSP endoscopist, and BSG Education Committee deputy chair.

Maria Brique

Imperial College NHS Trust
I work as an Endoscopy Manager in Imperial College Nhs hospital Charing Cross Site . I have been working in Endoscopy for more than 20years now .

Sara Brogden

Jennifer Campbell

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
Jennifer is a consultant gastroenterologist in Sheffield, where she trained and was awarded an MD. Her expertise includes HPB/UGI endoscopic ultrasound and Barrett’s endotherapy. She is a BCSP accredited colonoscopist, mum of two and parkrun enthusiast.

Janine Carey

North West Endoscopy Academy
Endoscopy nurse and Practice Educator in Liverpool.

Fergus Chedgy

Consultant Gastroenterologist, Sussex
Dr Fergus Chedy is a Consultant Gastroenterologist at the Royal Sussex County Hospital with a special interest in advanced endoscopy.

Preeti Chopra

Kings College Hospital
Consultant Gastroenterologist and Associate Director of Medical Education at Princess Royal University hospital, Kings College NHS Foundation trust.

Zoe Clapham

Sergio Coda

Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Sergio Coda is a Consultant Specialist Gastrointestinal Endoscopist and Clinical Director of Bowel Cancer Screening at Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust.

Gareth Corbett

Cambridge University Hospitals
I am a consultant endoscopist at CUH. I regularly train in diagnostic endoscopy, ERCP (inc spy), EMR and stents.

Nick Corporal

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
I am working in endoscopy as a nurse for 5 years now, and passionate about learning new innovations in the specialty.

Kostas Dabos

NHS Lothian
I am a Consultant Gastroenterologist at St John’s Hospital at Howden. I am interested in conventional diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy and also capsule endoscopy. I am striving to offer pain free experiences to endoscopy patients

Umakant Dave

Consultant gastroenterologist at ABMU HB
I am a bowel screener and ERCPist. I am working as a consultant since 2003 and have supported EndoVillage over last few years. I was awarded MBE in 2022.

Andrew Dawes

Waleed Fateen

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust from January 2024
An NHS consultant hepatologist and advanced HPB endoscopist, with interest in early HPB cancer detection.

Hannah Giron

St. Mark’s Hospital
Endoscopy Nurse

Mel Hale

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Consultant gastroenterologist, IBD specialist, capsule endoscopy expert.

Stephen Hearing

Consultant Gastroenterologist, Derby
Specialist in luminal gastroenterology including ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, coeliac disease, IBS, gastric and duodenal ulceration, and is an accredited bowel cancer screening colonoscopist.

Rachel Hilmo

University Hospitals Birmingham
Experience across diagnostic and therapeutic GI procedures, ERCP, bleed management. I worked as the educator for my department facilitating training for the team and ensure our workforce have the confidence and skills for their roles.

Steve Hodge

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust
Clinical Endoscopist, BCSP CD for Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield, celebrating a 3rd consecutive year in the ever expanding Endo Village!

Sung Hong

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Enthusiastic endoscopist
Clinician Scientist

Sarah Hoole

University Hospital of North Midlands
George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust

I am the Lead clinical endoscopist for UHNM and have worked in endoscopy for around 20 years, 10 of these as a clinical endoscopist. I have a passion for training and innovation.

Sarah Jack

Newcastle NHS Hospital
I have worked in Endoscopy for 17 years, and have been the unit manager for 7 years

Alex Kwapong

George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust
I have worked as a nurse for over 12years and I have close to 2years experience in endoscopy. I’m hoping to become a nurse endoscopist in the near future

Kelly Langley

Sajjad Mahmood

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust/Wythenshawe Hospital
Consultant HPB Gastroenterologist /Advanced endoscopist including cholangioscopy and therapeutic EUS
Founder & Co-director of North West advanced endoscopy meetings, Been Faculty at various regional, National and international educational meetings/endoscopy courses.

Laura Marelli

Homerton University Hospital
I have been a Gastroenterologist Consultant for 13 years, Director of NE London BCSC for 11 years and Endoscopy Lead for 6 years. I’ve always been involved in endoscopy training organising simulation endoscopy courses for technical and non-technical skills since 2009, as JAG endoscopy courses faculty and most recently as NEL faculty for the London Endoscopy Training Academy.

Mel Mcallum

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Excellent Endoscopy experience with particular interest in staff development and training. Passionate in delivering High quality care to all service users. Mel is a Committee member of the BSGNA, SWIG, and represent the nurses to BSG International Committee.

Becky McKay

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Norainlyn Mohammad

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Endoscopy Staff Nurse
Spread Kindness

Pradeep Mundre

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS trust
Consultant Gastroenterologist and Advanced Endoscopist with specialist interest in advanced therapeutic endoscopy and endoscopic imaging, including all aspects of Barrett’s dysplasia management (EMR and RFA), EMR and ESD.

Paul O’Toole

Royal Liverpool University Hospital
Paul O’Toole is a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Advanced Endoscopist specialising in therapeutic lower GI endoscopy in Liverpool. He is also Adjunct Professor at Liverpool John Moores University.

Clare Parker

Douglas Penman

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Penman is a Consultant Gastroenterologist working in the Royal Liverpool Hospital. He is the Endoscopy training lead and Deputy Director of the regional Endoscopy Academy Hub. He has an interest in lower GI therapeutic endoscopy and is a member of the Complex Polyp MDT.

Jennifer Prendergast

Lindsey Scarisbrick

University Hospitals Of Morecambe Bay

Maria Sedano

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
I am Maria Eloisa Trinidad-Sedano, Advanced Nurse Endoscopist working at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust since 2012. Graduated at Hull University with a Degree in Bachelor of Science in Gastroenterology and scoping since.
I have completed my TCT (Training the Colonoscopy Trainers) at Yorkshire School of Endoscopy in 2016 and training the junior doctors (Gastroenterology & Colorectal) and Trainee Nurse Endoscopists at Leeds since.
I currently do mainly therapeutic lists at the LHTH and involved in the large polyp MDT.

Keith Siau

Consultant Gastroenterologist at Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
GI doctor with interests in endoscopy, gut health, liver & medicine.

Anet Soubieres

Imperial College NHS Healthcare Trust
Dr Soubieres has an particular interest in interventional endoscopy including complex polypectomy and management of small bowel bleeding. She enjoys training regularly on JAG courses, as well as within her own department.

Shiela Tana

Chelsea & Westminster NHS Trust
I’m an Endoscopy Lead Nurse and Clinical Endoscopist committed to improving health and well- being of patient and staff and to make a difference in the best way that I can…

Gillian Vance

Freeman Hospital Newcastle Upon Tyne NHS Trust
Staff nurse for 16 years working with endoscopy participating in colorectal and hepatobilary endoscopy.I have a keen interest in teaching within the department in all aspects of endoscopy with all staff members and nursing students ,and have regularly participated in our trust ercp and eus course for nurses.

Roser Vega

University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Eleanor Wood

Homerton Hospital
Interested in Patient Safety & Endoscopy Training